User Tools
The Terminal
One of the primary tools you'll use to interact with the 7-Iron Server is the terminal. Below are a few notes about running commands with a Vagrant box.
You can run commands on the Vagrant box without logging in.
Preface the command you want to run on Vagrant with: vagrant ssh -c
and put the command you want to run in quotes.
For example, both commands below will create a new database named, 'devsite' in MySQL on the 7-Iron Server.
mysqladmin -uroot -proot create devsite
vagrant ssh -c 'mysqladmin -uroot -proot create devsite'
The first version is run in 7-Iron's terminal after you log in with vagrant ssh
The second version is run in your host terminal without logging in.
Unless otherwise noted, the commands in this documentation are written as if you have logged into the 7-Iron Vagrant box. In many cases you can also run them without logging in, by modifying them like the example above.
Logged In Assumes:
- You have logged into the Vagrant box
- The commands you run are within the 7-Iron server, using its terminal
- Commands begin from the home directory of the Vagrant user
To log into the 7-Iron box, from your host machine's terminal, in the directory with the 7-Iron Vagrantfile, run:
vagrant ssh
Not Logged In Assumes:
- You are on your host machine (not logged into the Vagrant box)
- You have the terminal open in the same directory as your Vagrantfile
7-Iron uses MailCatcher to catch all mail and store it for display.
You can safely use 7-Iron to test mail based features for your application, without having the email actually be sent over the internet.
To view mail sent on the server, visit: http://7-Iron.start:1080
Logs Viewer
7-Iron uses Pimp my Log to display and view PHP and Apache logs.
To view 7-Iron Server logs, visit: http://7-Iron.start/logs
Note: This feature is in an alpha state and we may change the tool if we find a better one.